Kristin Mumper
Kristin Mumper is a 500-hour certified and registered yoga teacher with a special interest in chair yoga and adaptive vinyasa. Among her training includes certifications in Mindful Resilience for Trauma Recovery through Veterans Yoga Project, Adaptive Yoga through Mind Body Solutions, Chair Yoga through Yuva Yoga, and Brain Longevity through the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Association. In spring of 2023, she added Krista Fairbrother’s Water Yoga to her repertoire. Her teaching style is lighthearted and dynamic, encouraging individual exploration while embracing creativity.
Kristin grew up in Rapid City, South Dakota. However, she’s been in Harvest, Alabama for 15 years. Listen and see if you can hear both the high plains and southern accents mixed together. Uffdah, y’all! Kristin has been married for 30 years and has 3 boys. Two are in college and the youngest is a tweenager.
Before becoming a yoga teacher, Kristin dabbled in yoga for twenty plus years. Ten years or so ago she started running, then cycling, then swimming. She realized she needed a gentle way to recover, and the teacher training began! In her spare time, Kristin can be found trail running, triathlon, racing, reading, gardening, animal rescue, knit and crochet, volunteering with local organizations, birdwatching, learning anything and everything I can, and taking long naps. Somehow, she also finds time to homeschool her youngest son.