Restoring Bodies BLOG

Never Judge a Book by Its Cover

The phrase ‘never judge a book by its cover’ is a common idiom that conveys the idea that one shouldnot form an opinion about something, or someone based solely on outward appearances. It suggeststhat there is often more to a person or thing than meets the eye and encourages people to look beyondsurface-level impressions. This expression is frequently used in the context of advising against making hasty judgments aboutpeople based on their physical appearance or initial impressions.…

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Learn about Yoga Nidra

Under the large umbrella of yoga are many sections. Many of us are aware of the physicalpractice and perhaps meditations, and even those have quite a few subsets. Yoga Nidra is asector under this large umbrella. It is completely different than all other forms of Yoga. It hasbeen translated to “yogic sleep”, “psychic sleep” or “sleepless sleep” yet many say it can’t betranslated and the only word for Yoga Nidra is Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra is the…

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It’s National Nutrition Month!

We are excited to see the month of March arrive. Did you know that March is known as NationalNutrition Month? That’s right, there is a month dedicated to nutrition, and as a dietitian, I amready to celebrate. Nutrition is not one-size-fits-all, it is an individual plan that is designed with you in mind. We allhave different tastes, experiences, and cultures when it comes to eating and nourishing ourbodies. This month, we are going to go beyond the…

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Have you tried Chair Yoga?

Kristin Mumper is a 500 hour certified and registered yoga teacher with a special interest inchair yoga and adaptive vinyasa. Among her training includes certifications in Mindful Resiliencefor Trauma Recovery through Veterans Yoga Project, Adaptive Yoga through Mind BodySolutions, Chair Yoga through Yuva Yoga, and Brain Longevity through the Alzheimer'sResearch and Prevention Association. In spring of 2023, she added Krista Fairbrother’sWater Yoga to her repertoire. Her teaching style is lighthearted and dynamic, encouragingindividual exploration while embracing creativity.  The benefits of chair yoga are manyfold! One may believe chair yoga…

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What is Yin Yoga 

By Lynn Underwood There are so many different types of yoga. Some are fast and aerobic while others are slow and bendy.  While Yin yoga isn’t aerobic it is challenging in its own right.  Like all forms of yoga its origins aren’t exactly known. However, the idea of yin postures can be traced back to ancient Chinese Taoist practices.  They were often used in Kung Fu training.  Brought to the US in the early 1970’s, yin’s benefits…

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What yoga can teach us.

What yoga can teach us.

‘Vairagya is the elimination of whatever hinders progress and refinement.’  B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga is so much more than just physical practice.  (For a quick recap see the ‘What is Yoga?’ blog at ) Yoga is made up of 8 separate limbs (again, which were written about in previous blogs.)  The defining description of yoga and all that it can be was written by Patanjali over 2000 years ago.  He grouped his writing into the Yoga Sutras. …

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Welcome to our Aging Through Wellness Blog. 

What are the benefits of group classes as we age?   Everyone knows the physical benefits of group classes.  A person that exercises in group classes regularly gets stronger, more flexible, and healthier.  But are there any hidden benefits?  Of course, there are!    As we get older, group classes actually become even more beneficial.  Exercise has always been known to help with mental health.  Many studies have shown that people that exercise are less depressed and…

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Reduce Pain with Yoga

If pain has left you feeling hopeless, negative, fearful, or grieving; you are not alone! Researchers estimate that 50 million adults in the United States suffer from chronic pain. There are two common approaches to pain with movement you may have experienced if you suffer from persistent pain: The fear of pain with movement reduces or eliminates movement altogether Push through the pain; pay for it later These basic approaches to a chronic pain issue may only…

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It’s confession time.  I have lost my motivation to practice yoga on my own.  What!? Yes, me, a yoga teacher struggles with maintaining her own practice.  There are weeks that the only time that I get to practice yoga, is when I am teaching.  This bothers me, which then makes me feel guilty.  When I feel guilty, I get depressed and then I do nothing.  Now, why am I telling you this?  To assure you that you…

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Health at Every Size

(Understanding the HAES Movement) Hello October and cooler days! Fall has arrived, at least it certainly felt like it this morning, as I sat down and began to write part 2 of “Health at Every Size.” In last month’s blog I invited you to join me on a journey of learning, understanding, and expanding our knowledge of living a healthy lifestyle regardless of our shape, or size. Today, I would like to introduce you to the founder…

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