Keeping Your Heart Healthy with Yoga

Why Regular Yoga Practice May Help Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease  February is all about showing your loved ones how much you care, but it is also about loving yourself. Officially known as American Heart Month, February is the perfect time to prioritize your heart health and reduce your risk for heart disease. Heart…

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Health Beyond Appearance: Embracing Fitness at Any Size

Body positivity has become quite the buzzword in today’s culture, especially on social media. The term encourages people, particularly women, but also men, to embrace their bodies, no matter their shape or size.  But a quick scroll through social media reveals the term is often still associated with thinness, athleticism, and youth…which begs the question:…

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Setting Good Habits in 2025

There’s something so motivating about the clean slate of a new year. It’s an opportunity to leave behind any disappointments and unmet goals, and embrace a fresh start. It’s a chance to set new intentions, dreams, and ambitions. However, reaching those goals can be more challenging than expected, especially when it comes to our fitness.…

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Fitness Tips to Stay Active After 50: Holiday Edition

The holiday season is upon us—a time filled with joy, love, and cherished family traditions. But with the holiday cheer comes colder weather and more time indoors, making it harder to keep up with your fitness routine. Staying active is just as important now as ever, though.  In this post, we’ll share simple ways to…

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How Restorative Yoga Can Support You as a Caregiver

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first. — Anonymous At some point in our lives, we all care for someone, whether it’s children, parents, or other loved ones. It’s not an easy job, as any caregiver will tell you. You can find yourself giving and giving until there’s nothing left. …

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Build a Stronger, More Flexible You with Pilates

Join Our Class for Ages 50+ – Now at a New Time! In case you haven’t heard, our Pilates class is at a brand new time – 9:30 am on Wednesday! This change makes it easier for more people to discover the incredible benefits of Pilates with our fabulous instructor, Liz. As we age, maintaining…

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Signs Your Child Might Need to See a Dietitian

Should your child see a dietician (Facebook Cover)

As parents, grandparents, and even as dinner guests in homes with children, we’ve heard those familiar words at mealtime: “I don’t like it!” You may even remember saying those words yourself as a child. Most kids grow out of this phase, expanding their palates and developing a taste for healthier foods. However, some children struggle…

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Obesity: What It Is and How You Can Maintain a Healthy Weight After 50

restoring bodies fitness tips

September is Obesity Awareness Month, making it a great time to spotlight one of the leading health issues in the U.S. Obesity affects people of all ages, from children to adults, and can seriously impact your health. As we age, managing our weight becomes more challenging as our bodies slow down and burn calories less…

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Does Hydration Support Healthy Aging?

hydration tips

Discover how staying well-hydrated can support graceful aging. You probably already know that our bodies are mostly water. Water supports nearly every bodily function, and without it, our bodies can’t function at their best. More importantly, as we age, the role of hydration becomes even more significant, impacting different aspects of our health and wellness.…

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