Socializing for Mental Wellness

Restoring Bodies Blog - Mental Health

No matter your age or background, mental wellness plays an important role in your health. And whether you realize it or not, your social circle – or lack of it – can have a huge impact on it. When we were young, building a social circle seemed effortless. It usually involved having a few things…

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Welcome to our Aging Through Wellness Blog

What are the benefits of group classes as we age?   Everyone knows the physical benefits of group classes.  A person that exercises in group classes regularly gets stronger, more flexible, and healthier.  But are there any hidden benefits?  Of course, there are!    As we get older, group classes actually become even more beneficial. …

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Help! I’m Burned Out. Overcoming Burnout (Part 3)

   Wow! Can you believe it is November already?! It’s hard to believe that we are in the final stretch to the end of the year. These last few months have been very difficult for our business, and our personal lives. There have been moments of despair, fatigue, and even moments of saying “we quit”!…

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Help! I’m Burned Out. Overcoming Burnout Today (part 2)

overcoming burnout part 2

           Surprise! Here we are on the 2nd article on the subject of burnout, and we’re on time and ready to get the party started. After writing the first article, I began to take what I was writing about seriously and started to apply it to my own needs. I refuse to fall victim to…

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Help! I’m Burned Out. Overcoming Burnout Today

burn out

As you have probably noticed; this month’s blog is late. We are usually prompt about getting our newsletter out by the first of the month. The sad thing about our lateness, is that I was responsible for writing it last month, getting it proofread by my manager, and correcting any errors she may have found. …

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I have PTSD; it doesn’t HAVE me!

This month’s blog is a personal one for me; June has been designated as PTSD awareness month. There are currently 8 million people in the United States that have been diagnosed with PTSD, and sadly, many of those who have been diagnosed, do not receive the help they need to work through the real issue…

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