Restoring Nutrition NEWS & RECIPES

Enjoy some of our favorite healthy recipes. If you have one you would like to share,

please send it in, along with a good quality photo and we'll post it here!

It’s National Nutrition Month!

We are excited to see the month of March arrive. Did you know that March is known as NationalNutrition Month? That’s right, there is a month dedicated to nutrition, and as a dietitian, I amready to celebrate. Nutrition is not one-size-fits-all, it is an individual plan that is designed with you in mind. We allhave…

Health at Every Size – Understanding the HAES Movement

As a woman who has been living in a fuller size body for about ten years, I began to question the theory that smaller is better. As a young woman I never worried about my weight, but once I saw the number on the scale climb, my perspective changed.  Just like the numbers did. Last…

7-Years of Growing – what I’ve learned

Well, here we are, May 2022, and it has been a journey for this small business the last seven years. I never thought that after seven years, I would be writing a blog/newsletter like this one.  Some of you who are taking the time to read this, have been with me and Restoring Bodies for…

Let’s Celebrate Food & Nutrition

Can you believe it? March is knocking at the front door and if you open it, there it is.  March is an exciting month.  For some it means new life is emerging and the sun doesn’t set as early in the evening. For me as a Dietitian, it means the month that nutrition and healthy…

Dietetics graduate Tammie S. Brown is living her best life now at 52

Earning her bachelor’s at age 49, Brown is busy aging gracefully and helping others to do the same. Tammie Brown (’18) knows a thing or two about aging gracefully. At the age of 44, when some people start occasionally thinking about preparing for retirement, Brown was enrolling as a freshman in Lipscomb University’s dietetics program. Twenty…

School of Public Health Graduate Continues to Serve Her Community through Nutrition

Published on November 30, 2020 by Sarah Waller   Tammie Brown graduates from Samford’s dietetic internship and Master of Public Health programs, finishing a seven-year journey of pursuing a bachelor’s and master’s degree after 20 years in the U.S. Army. Now, she plans to pour her education back into her business, which offers fitness and…

The Holidays In 2020

Can you believe it? The holiday season is here, and whether you are ready or not; it looks quite different than times past. We all have read about the viruses and plagues in our history, and none of us could even imagine that this year would be the year that we would walk through a…

Aging Gracefully Through Nutrition

Aging Gracefully Through Nutrition

Did you know that your nutritional needs change as you age? Let us take a quick look at this amazing but true fact. When a person is born they are fed by milk, either from the mother’s breast or formula, it is suggested by dietitians that an infant should solely be fed milk up until…

Eight Glasses of Water a Day!

Eight Glasses of Water a Day!

  Say what? First thing that pops into my mind are the locations of all the available bathrooms I need close by if I drink that much water. Second thing I contemplate are all the interruptions to my day it will cause to use said bathrooms upon consumption of that much water. Thirdly, what if…

backed broccoli

Baked Broccoli-Cheddar Quinoa Bites

These savory muffin-like quinoa bites are low in carbs and a good source of protein–plus we love their cheesy flavor. Source: Diabetic Living Magazine, Summer 2019 Ingredients ½ cup quinoa ⅛ teaspoon salt plus 1/4 teaspoon, divided ¾ cup finely chopped broccoli ¾ cup shredded Cheddar cheese  ½ teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon garlic powder ¼…