Restoring Nutrition NEWS & RECIPES

Enjoy some of our favorite healthy recipes. If you have one you would like to share,

please send it in, along with a good quality photo and we'll post it here!

healthy taco salad

Taco Salad Recipe

  I have a preference for Hispanic cuisine, I love the spices and flavors that come with authentic Mexican and Latin American foods. But sometimes with my preference comes unwanted calories. I am on this journey to let my eye become my canvas for choosing foods that will benefit my temple and give glory to…

The lamp of the body

“The eye is the lamp of the body.  So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light”.  Matthew 6:22 (ESV).             This morning I woke up really hungry, and looking at these two images gives me all kind of choices to choose from. Hmmm, what…

Better eating for a flatter tummy

To go along with our fitness tips for a flat tummy, here are some nutritional tips to assist in getting the best results: Eat five small meals a day Eat slowly Know your serving sizes. Cut out sweets. Never skip breakfast. Drink lots of water every day. Reduce salt intake. Color your plate. Cut out…