Gentle Cardio Exercise for Adults Aging Gracefully (Includes Fitness Guide)

August Blog Post

How often do you stand up and move your body?
If you’re like many adults, you probably don’t move enough. The American Heart Association recommends a minimum of 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week. (1)

Moderate-intensity aerobic activity speeds up your heart rate, but does not leave you breathless. You should still be able to hold a normal conversation. Jogging, brisk walking, and even gardening are examples of moderate-intensity aerobic activities. (1)

If physical or health-related conditions prevent you from doing activities like these though, there are still ways to reap the benefits of cardio exercise.

Let’s explore why gentle cardio is a great alternative and how you can build a gentle cardio fitness routine you enjoy.


What is Gentle Cardio?

Gentle cardio exercises are low-impact, low-intensity activities that give you the benefits
of cardio exercise without the intensity of high-impact exercises.

These exercises are gentle on your joints and reduce the risk of injury. They do not involve jumping, running, or heavy lifting – activities typically associated with exercise injuries.

Examples of Gentle Cardio Exercises:
● Walking
● Bicycling
● Swimming
● Yoga
● Pilates


Benefits of Gentle Cardio Exercise
While it may take longer to experience the results compared to high-intensity cardio, gentle cardio offers all the same benefits of high-intensity cardio.

Gentle cardio exercise may help you:
● Lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure
● Lower risk of dementia
● Lower risk of obesity
● Improve balance and bone health
● Improve sleep quality
● Improve mental health


Creating a Gentle Cardio Routine You Love

If you are just starting or getting back into a fitness routine, here are 7 steps to help you create a rewarding, heart-healthy fitness plan:
Step 1: Consult with your doctor
Before beginning a new fitness program, it is important to consult with your doctor to make sure it is safe for you. This is especially important if you have a pre-existing condition or have recently undergone a medical procedure.

Step 2: Consider your personal preferences
Some people love walking. Others find it boring. Neither perspective is wrong. It is all about your personal preference. Choose something you would enjoy and look forward to doing.

Step 3: Evaluate accessibility and cost
Think about your area and how close you are to things like gyms, pools, or nature trails. If the exercise you choose involves these, you’ll want to consider how far you will have to travel and whether any associated fees fit within your budget.

Step 4: Choose a convenient day and time
Pick days and times you can commit to consistently for your workouts. Timeframes where you will likely have the least amount of distractions or scheduling conflicts will help you stick to your routine week after week.

Step 5: Start small and gradually progress
Start exercising for just a few minutes a day and gradually increase as your fitness improves. Remember, this is YOUR fitness routine. Feel free to customize it to what works for you.

Step 6: Maintain a positive mindset
Be patient with yourself and maintain a positive mindset as you work towards your fitness goals. Even 5 minutes a day in the beginning is progress. Don’t give up!

Step 7: Accountability and support
Sometimes building new habits is easier with friends. Seek out a friend, mentor, or fitness class to help you stay motivated to stick to your workout routine. Our group fitness classes here at Restoring Bodies is a great way to find support. We
would love to have you!

At Restoring Bodies, we believe any movement is better than none. Small steps over time have a positive impact on your health. So join us in staying active and boost your heart health with gentle cardio!

Other Sources Consulted:
● WebMD. Low-Intensity Workouts — What to Know

● VeryWell Fit. Moderate Exercise: Definition, Recommendations, Examples.

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