Obesity: What It Is and How You Can Maintain a Healthy Weight After 50

restoring bodies fitness tips

September is Obesity Awareness Month, making it a great time to spotlight one of the leading health issues in the U.S.

Obesity affects people of all ages, from children to adults, and can seriously impact your health. As we age, managing our weight becomes more challenging as our bodies slow down and burn calories less efficiently.

That’s why understanding and learning how to address obesity is so important.


What Is Obesity and What Causes It? 

Obesity is more than carrying a few extra pounds. It’s fat that exceeds what your body actually needs and can lead to a negative impact on your health.

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidneys Diseases defines obesity as “excess body fat,” with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or higher. BMI measures the ratio of your weight to your height and helps gauge body fat levels. [1]

There isn’t a single cause of obesity. It can result from a combination of factors, including genetics, certain medications, health conditions, physical inactivity, and even environment. [2]

Why Is Obesity a Concern as We Age? 

Obesity can cause major challenges as we age. It increases the risk of developing serious health conditions, or worsening existing ones. [1, 2]

These conditions include:

  • Type II diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Joint problems
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma

Obesity can also reduce mobility, which makes staying active more difficult. Reduced physical activity can lead to further weight gain.

This cycle can take a toll on your mental wellness, potentially leading to depression. [3]


Why is Losing Weight After 50 So Challenging?

Maintaining a healthy weight is important as we age, but losing those extra pounds isn’t always easy, especially after 50.

Here’s why: as we age, our bodies go through changes that make it tougher to manage our weight. Our metabolism slows down, hormones shift, and we naturally lose muscle mass over time. All these changes affect how the body burns calories.

Lifestyle also plays a big role. Busy work schedules, family commitments, and social activities can leave little time for exercise.

Stress and lack of sleep, too, can contribute to weight gain. [4] Demanding jobs and life’s ups and downs can disrupt your eating habits and make it harder to stay motivated.

When we’re stressed or not getting enough rest, it can lead to emotional eating that work against any efforts you may take to lose weight.


6 Tips to Help You Manage Your Weight

Fortunately, you can manage your weight effectively with these simple strategies:

  1. Eat healthy foods. What you eat plays an important role in your health. Choose nutrient-dense foods and incorporate more fiber and protein in your diet. Doing this can help you stay fuller longer, reducing the urge to overeat.
  2. Stick to a fitness routine. Regular movement helps with managing weight and also improves flexibility and balance. Add strength training and low-impact cardio to your routine to keep more muscle mass and support your health.
  3. Reduce stress. High stress can lead to emotional eating and derail your diet plan. To manage stress, try deep breathing exercises or yoga. They can help you relax and release tension from your body.
  4. Get a good night’s sleep. Studies suggest a link between poor sleep quality and obesity. [4] A general rule is to get about 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.
  5. Drink more water. Sugary drinks are full of unnecessary calories that contribute to weight gain. Opt for water instead. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, try adding fresh fruit for flavor and extra nutrients. (For more tips on how to drink more water, check out our blog post, Does Hydration Support Healthy Aging?)
  6. Consult a dietician. Sometimes, a little extra support can make a big difference in reaching your weight goals. Our owner, Tammie Brown, is a registered dietitian who can help you create a personalized plan to manage your weight and reach your goals.



Aging brings its challenges, but that doesn’t mean you can’t stay in control. With the right knowledge and support, you can maintain a healthy weight well into your 50s and beyond.

Remember, we’re here to support you every step of the way on your aging gracefully journey.


Additional Articles Consulted:

National Institute on Aging. Maintaining a Healthy Weight
Healthline. The 20 Best Ways to Lose Weight After 50

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