Restoring Bodies BLOG

burn out

Help! I’m Burned Out. Overcoming Burnout Today

As you have probably noticed; this month’s blog is late. We are usually prompt about getting our newsletter out by the first of the month. The sad thing about our lateness, is that I was responsible for writing it last month, getting it proofread by my manager, and correcting any errors she may have found.  My lackadaisical attitude isn’t due to obstinacy or not wanting to fulfill my obligation; it’s due to burnout. Burnout is defined as…

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Yoga – an 8 limbed system – Part 3

“My body is my temple and asanas are my prayers.” B.K.S. Iyengar In previous blogs I talked about the first two limbs of yoga – the Yamas (social ethics) and Niyamas (personal ethics).  We are now up to the limb with which everyone is most familiar, the postures.  In Sanskrit, this limb is Asana.  The word Asana translates to sitting or seat.  Historically, the postures were performed to prepare the body to sit for meditation.  Meditation was…

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Yoga – an eight limbed system – Part 2

In my previous blog, I discussed the first of the Eight Limbs of Yoga.  In this blog, we are moving to the second limb, the Niyamas.  The first limb, the Yamas, referred to the social ethics we, as yogis, aspire to follow.  The Niyamas refer to the personal ethics we aspire to.  Briefly, the Niyamas are personal conduct, diet and lifestyle.  But, like the Yamas, there are five distinct guidelines. The first niyama is Sauca.  Sauca refers…

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Recovery Reality

Oh, sweet recovery, come to me. This is hard. Harder than I anticipated. But slowly but surely I will get there. In December I tore my Achilles’ tendon. As much as I wish I had a cool story to go along with this, like I was doing a 10k for charity…I don’t. Reality is, I was trotting along behind my pug and I felt a pop. That’s how easy it was for my body to become injured.…

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I have PTSD; it doesn’t HAVE me!

This month’s blog is a personal one for me; June has been designated as PTSD awareness month. There are currently 8 million people in the United States that have been diagnosed with PTSD, and sadly, many of those who have been diagnosed, do not receive the help they need to work through the real issue of past trauma (, 2021).  I am one of those 8 million, I used to be ashamed to admit that I have…

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Struggling with Good Intentions

Struggling with Good Intentions

I have had an issue with my ability to be physically active for quite some time now; I know you are probably surprised, what?! The one who owns a fitness studio has a problem with moving on a consistent and daily basis? The answer is, yes, I do. For me, the lack of achieving the goal of moving daily and consistently is due to a pattern of being in school for a long period of time, preexisting…

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Yoga – an eight limbed system

Yoga – an eight limbed system – Part 1

As I stated in a previous blog, yoga is much more than physical postures.  Yoga is made up of 8 distinct limbs, postures are limb number 3.  Here are the 8 limbs in Sanskrit and their approximate definition.  Yama – Social Ethics Niyama – Personal Ethics Asana – Yoga postures Pranayama – Breath control Pratyahara – Withdrawing the senses Dharana – Concentration Dhyana – Meditation Samadhi – Complete absorption in the mediation object (enlightenment) We’ll start with…

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Dietetics graduate Tammie S. Brown is living her best life now at 52

Earning her bachelor’s at age 49, Brown is busy aging gracefully and helping others to do the same. Tammie Brown (’18) knows a thing or two about aging gracefully. At the age of 44, when some people start occasionally thinking about preparing for retirement, Brown was enrolling as a freshman in Lipscomb University’s dietetics program. Twenty years in the Army, and the wear and tear on her body that came with it, had taught her how important it…

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School of Public Health Graduate Continues to Serve Her Community through Nutrition

Published on November 30, 2020 by Sarah Waller   Tammie Brown graduates from Samford’s dietetic internship and Master of Public Health programs, finishing a seven-year journey of pursuing a bachelor’s and master’s degree after 20 years in the U.S. Army. Now, she plans to pour her education back into her business, which offers fitness and nutrition programs for older adults in her community. Tammie Brown will be the first to tell you: This year has not been…

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healthy back healthy body

Healthy Back, Happy Body – Introducing a New Class!

We are happy to announce a new class for you. Healthy Back, Happy Body will teach you the 7 steps to posture improvement.  Keeping your back healthy is so important! Besides helping you avoid pain, it keeps your entire body youthful, and who doesn’t want that! This new 8-session yoga course starts March 1 at 6:30pm. No experience in yoga is needed, and you can try your first class FREE! Pre-register by calling 256-858-1344 or click here. 

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