Yoga – an 8 limbed system – Part 5

Apr 20, 2022

By Chris Irrgang Continuing with our journey through the 8 limbs of yoga, we come to the 5th & 6th limbs.  I am combining these two limbs because they are so closely related.  The 5th limb is Pratyahara which translates to the withdrawal of the senses.  Doesn’t that sound mystical?  Actually, whenever we practice yoga…

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Let’s Celebrate Food & Nutrition

Mar 1, 2022

Can you believe it? March is knocking at the front door and if you open it, there it is.  March is an exciting month.  For some it means new life is emerging and the sun doesn’t set as early in the evening. For me as a Dietitian, it means the month that nutrition and healthy…

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Yoga – an 8 limbed system – Part 4

Dec 12, 2021

 “The respiratory system is the gateway to purifying the body, mind and intellect.  The key to this is pranayama.”  BKS Iyengar So far in our blogs, we have covered the Yamas (social ethics), Niyamas (personal ethics), and Asana (postures.)  We move on now to Pranayama. Prana means breath, lifeforce or energy.  Ayama means restriction or…

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Help! I’m Burned Out. Overcoming Burnout (Part 3)

Nov 4, 2021

   Wow! Can you believe it is November already?! It’s hard to believe that we are in the final stretch to the end of the year. These last few months have been very difficult for our business, and our personal lives. There have been moments of despair, fatigue, and even moments of saying “we quit”!…

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Help! I’m Burned Out. Overcoming Burnout Today (part 2)

Oct 2, 2021
overcoming burnout part 2

           Surprise! Here we are on the 2nd article on the subject of burnout, and we’re on time and ready to get the party started. After writing the first article, I began to take what I was writing about seriously and started to apply it to my own needs. I refuse to fall victim to…

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Help! I’m Burned Out. Overcoming Burnout Today

Sep 20, 2021
burn out

As you have probably noticed; this month’s blog is late. We are usually prompt about getting our newsletter out by the first of the month. The sad thing about our lateness, is that I was responsible for writing it last month, getting it proofread by my manager, and correcting any errors she may have found. …

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Yoga – an 8 limbed system – Part 3

Aug 2, 2021

“My body is my temple and asanas are my prayers.” B.K.S. Iyengar In previous blogs I talked about the first two limbs of yoga – the Yamas (social ethics) and Niyamas (personal ethics).  We are now up to the limb with which everyone is most familiar, the postures.  In Sanskrit, this limb is Asana.  The…

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Yoga – an eight limbed system – Part 2

Jul 5, 2021

In my previous blog, I discussed the first of the Eight Limbs of Yoga.  In this blog, we are moving to the second limb, the Niyamas.  The first limb, the Yamas, referred to the social ethics we, as yogis, aspire to follow.  The Niyamas refer to the personal ethics we aspire to.  Briefly, the Niyamas…

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Recovery Reality

Jun 16, 2021

Oh, sweet recovery, come to me. This is hard. Harder than I anticipated. But slowly but surely I will get there. In December I tore my Achilles’ tendon. As much as I wish I had a cool story to go along with this, like I was doing a 10k for charity…I don’t. Reality is, I…

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I have PTSD; it doesn’t HAVE me!

Jun 1, 2021

This month’s blog is a personal one for me; June has been designated as PTSD awareness month. There are currently 8 million people in the United States that have been diagnosed with PTSD, and sadly, many of those who have been diagnosed, do not receive the help they need to work through the real issue…

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