Restoring Bodies BLOG

Health at Every Size – Understanding the HAES Movement

As a woman who has been living in a fuller size body for about ten years, I began to question the theory that smaller is better. As a young woman I never worried about my weight, but once I saw the number on the scale climb, my perspective changed.  Just like the numbers did. Last week I took a trip to what I call “Roll Tide Land.” For you Auburn fans, stay with me, this is not…

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Team Restore Road Trip

Excitement is buzzing in the air here at Restoring Bodies Fitness & Nutrition Services. We are headed to ATLANTA! One of our company goals is to truly bring you all evidence-based, science-based, workouts and nutrition information; and the only way to do this, is to ensure that we all are on the same page when we instruct our classes. We pride ourselves on learning what is safe and not safe while working with a unique group of…

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Finally, we are finishing with the 8 limbs of yoga.  Just as a reminder, here are the first 6 limbs of yoga.  Yama – Social Ethics Niyama – Personal Ethics Asana – Yoga postures Pranayama – Breath control Pratyahara – Withdrawing the senses Dharana – Concentration If you missed any of the previous blog posts describing these limbs, no worries,  click on the links above. We now come to limb number 7, Dhyana – meditation.  Up till…

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Struggling with Good Intentions

  I have had an issue with my ability to be physically active for quite some time now; I know you are probably surprised, what?! The one who owns a fitness studio has a problem with moving on a consistent and daily basis? The answer is, yes, I do.  For me, the lack of achieving the goal of moving daily and consistently is due to a pattern of being in school for a long period of time,…

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7-Years of Growing – what I’ve learned

Well, here we are, May 2022, and it has been a journey for this small business the last seven years. I never thought that after seven years, I would be writing a blog/newsletter like this one.  Some of you who are taking the time to read this, have been with me and Restoring Bodies for almost the entire time; and for that, I am truly grateful.  I can sit here and truly say without a shadow of…

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Yoga – an 8 limbed system – Part 5

By Chris Irrgang Continuing with our journey through the 8 limbs of yoga, we come to the 5th & 6th limbs.  I am combining these two limbs because they are so closely related.  The 5th limb is Pratyahara which translates to the withdrawal of the senses.  Doesn’t that sound mystical?  Actually, whenever we practice yoga postures or breathwork, we are practicing Pratyahara.  As a reminder, the five senses are touch, smell, taste, vision, and hearing.  When we…

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Let’s Celebrate Food & Nutrition

Can you believe it? March is knocking at the front door and if you open it, there it is.  March is an exciting month.  For some it means new life is emerging and the sun doesn’t set as early in the evening. For me as a Dietitian, it means the month that nutrition and healthy eating are celebrated.  This year, we are focusing on a World of Flavors.  This month, I encourage you to explore cultural foods…

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Yoga – an 8 limbed system – Part 4

 “The respiratory system is the gateway to purifying the body, mind and intellect.  The key to this is pranayama.”  BKS Iyengar So far in our blogs, we have covered the Yamas (social ethics), Niyamas (personal ethics), and Asana (postures.)  We move on now to Pranayama. Prana means breath, lifeforce or energy.  Ayama means restriction or control.  Thus, Pranayama can be translated as ‘breath control.’  In the US we rarely practice pranayama and if we do, we just…

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Help! I’m Burned Out. Overcoming Burnout (Part 3)

   Wow! Can you believe it is November already?! It’s hard to believe that we are in the final stretch to the end of the year. These last few months have been very difficult for our business, and our personal lives. There have been moments of despair, fatigue, and even moments of saying “we quit”! Good thing moments don’t last forever. This month we are continuing to understand the stages of stress and how they affect us…

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overcoming burnout part 2

Help! I’m Burned Out. Overcoming Burnout Today (part 2)

           Surprise! Here we are on the 2nd article on the subject of burnout, and we’re on time and ready to get the party started. After writing the first article, I began to take what I was writing about seriously and started to apply it to my own needs. I refuse to fall victim to something that I am able to control, but for some it is not that easy or obvious. Part 2 of this article…

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