Struggling with Good Intentions

May 5, 2021
Struggling with Good Intentions

I have had an issue with my ability to be physically active for quite some time now; I know you are probably surprised, what?! The one who owns a fitness studio has a problem with moving on a consistent and daily basis? The answer is, yes, I do. For me, the lack of achieving the…

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Yoga – an eight limbed system – Part 1

Apr 2, 2021
Yoga – an eight limbed system

As I stated in a previous blog, yoga is much more than physical postures.  Yoga is made up of 8 distinct limbs, postures are limb number 3.  Here are the 8 limbs in Sanskrit and their approximate definition.  Yama – Social Ethics Niyama – Personal Ethics Asana – Yoga postures Pranayama – Breath control Pratyahara…

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Dietetics graduate Tammie S. Brown is living her best life now at 52

Mar 9, 2021

Earning her bachelor’s at age 49, Brown is busy aging gracefully and helping others to do the same. Tammie Brown (’18) knows a thing or two about aging gracefully. At the age of 44, when some people start occasionally thinking about preparing for retirement, Brown was enrolling as a freshman in Lipscomb University’s dietetics program. Twenty…

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School of Public Health Graduate Continues to Serve Her Community through Nutrition

Mar 2, 2021

Published on November 30, 2020 by Sarah Waller   Tammie Brown graduates from Samford’s dietetic internship and Master of Public Health programs, finishing a seven-year journey of pursuing a bachelor’s and master’s degree after 20 years in the U.S. Army. Now, she plans to pour her education back into her business, which offers fitness and…

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Healthy Back, Happy Body – Introducing a New Class!

Feb 17, 2021
healthy back healthy body

We are happy to announce a new class for you. Healthy Back, Happy Body will teach you the 7 steps to posture improvement.  Keeping your back healthy is so important! Besides helping you avoid pain, it keeps your entire body youthful, and who doesn’t want that! This new 8-session yoga course starts March 1 at…

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Do we ever stop growing?

Feb 3, 2021

We all grow.  From the time we are born, our bodies continuously grow and get bigger.  (Sometimes not in a direction that we may want!)  But, have you ever noticed the curious phenomenon that as you grow up, at one point you start growing down? If you’ve reached your mid-fifties or later, go ahead, measure…

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January Blog: It’s Never Too Late!

Jan 13, 2021
it's never too late

We all remember the times when we were young, and our imaginations ran rapid with ideas of  how our lives were going to be when we grew up.  Then time passes, life continues and all the dreams and ideas we once had as a child have become nothing more than distant memories. Does this sound…

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The flip side of 2020

Dec 3, 2020

Here we go, staring at December. We have almost made it through 2020. What a year! From essential businesses to learning to do virtual school, it’s been an experience. We have learned to navigate Zoom, not to forget our masks and how to cherish our health and well-being. We are managing holidays without the hustle…

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The Holidays In 2020

Nov 6, 2020

Can you believe it? The holiday season is here, and whether you are ready or not; it looks quite different than times past. We all have read about the viruses and plagues in our history, and none of us could even imagine that this year would be the year that we would walk through a…

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Aging Gracefully Through Nutrition

Sep 16, 2020
Aging Gracefully Through Nutrition

Did you know that your nutritional needs change as you age? Let us take a quick look at this amazing but true fact. When a person is born they are fed by milk, either from the mother’s breast or formula, it is suggested by dietitians that an infant should solely be fed milk up until…

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